Saturday, 31 December 2011
hari ni aq ase mcm nk mengamok jak... tentu pasal jantan..haruss larh..mang sakit kepala aq nih...hati jgn ckp larh...tuhan jak yg tahu... ari2 aq asik nk begadoh betumbuk j dgn die..kdg2 aq kesian jgk sama die ni..tpi pnh die pkir aq??? cemana aq teguling kt cni sorg2..ade die amek kesah?? die ley wat derkk masalah ko ha?? aq nk wat cemana lagi??? tpi hakikatnya aq sayang dgn die..kalau larh die tahu cemana byk aq syg die..tentu die layan aq lebih baik...tpi aq cume bole mimpi j larh...sume tuh mcm mustahil jak,,.. yg buat aq bgg lg die bongok kan aq..memang terbaek larh ko... ape2 pon aq x pnh dendam dgn die,, n that's the way i am... baek x kene tmpt sampai org bole pjk2 mcm tu..xde respek...what ever it is,, happy new year syg..
Monday, 18 April 2011
well....i smoked shisha
sound a bit awkward..but yess..i do..lau sebelum ni aq cume dgr n tengok saja org layan bende ni..n aq x pnh terpk pon nk try..sumenye belaku tanpa aq rancang.. aritu aq tensyen sgt..just bcoz of him..i feel lonely,, my brother took me out for dinner.. at the bistro we look it served shisha to i voice out to him.."lets try shisha" first,,he scolding me..but then..agreed.. we took one..and haha...seumur idop aq xpnh sentuh benda ni..tpi tensyen punye pasal aq try..mase tu..satu bistro look at la bcoz im wearing tudung..kan huduh npk..dgn ase kekok,terbatuk2 isap natang ni..but i dont really care..sebab kpl aq terlalu berat,,semak,,n aq layan..all i can say is quite layan gak r shisha ni..dgn asap bekepol2..ilg sekejap die dr ingatan aq..but i smoke x the result is aq high kejap..haha..damN..afta 2,3 sedut tu aq da ley adapt..abg aq ckp u smoke well ha..pandai layan..well,adik sape..kehkehkeh..pandai x pandai r bang,,tpi sampai mtk topup 3 gelas air citer tu?? layan punya layan, jam dah dekat kul we decide to back home..mase nk blik tu,once aq tolak kusi..hah!!thats it,,pening kot.. aq jln pon xbtul..nasib x jatuh j..lau x maluuuuu...wihihhi...
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
big girl dont cry....
hi all...wihihiiiiii....erm arini nk story bout my peberet sure korg sume familiar dgn lagu ni an...sape x knl fergie ni...damn SEXY seyh...
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
butterfly fly away from me...
...lamenye...orite..back to the story.. dulu aq ley dikategori kn as a butterfly luver,,but since that day everything changed.. dat time me and kodesh (where av u been kodesh??) nk ke
a journey begin here..
wihihihi...saya gee ahmad..newcomer..=).. i dont know what to share actually..just drop by to explore ape yg seronoknye when we tulis2 kt cni..but for sure..4 those yg really luv to tulis2 dlm blog,they must be an artist which is..too many ideas yg mereka nk sharing la kan..pape pon.. i will try to update my blog so that u guys out there x buhsan..soalannye..sonok ke?? huhu..
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