Wednesday 30 March 2011

big girl dont cry....

hi all...wihihiiiiii....erm arini nk story bout my peberet sure korg sume familiar dgn lagu ni an...sape x knl fergie ni...damn SEXY cemburu dgn segala yg ada pd die...wait..PERLU KE?? okeis,, this song,,is one of my favorite song lah... i bet kite sume pasti ade few songs yg kite suke..lagu yg bole cure kite,,the song yg bole reduce the sadness,,frustration,,pain do pn ade quite numbers gak la..antaranya this song: big girl don't cry..1st time aq dgr lagu when i wanna go to uum sintok..tahun 2007..haha,,tahun keramat brother ahmad rudy,,dedicate this song to me..he said sambil gelak.. "here the best song for my little sis"...damn...sentap kot aq..haha,, p tape pny layan...actually....for the whole these times aq x pnh jauh ng each time when i listened to this song,,aq akn nangis (dlm toilet)...hhehe,,keji that time aq akn tny my self...judin,,asal ang kejam sgt??...mase tu..wahaha,,,air mata da sama laju dgn air yg trun dr shower kolej muamalat...hahahaha...bikin malu..but as the time moving,,aq pon da ley adapt ng my new campus life..but this song is still remain as my favorite because lagu ni mampu beri aq semangat bila aq mau ckp bbyk..uols layan je ok...=)

Tuesday 22 March 2011

butterfly fly away from me...

aren't they beautiful?? yess..sangat cantik..y butterfly?? hurmm..i wonder why...sebenarnye ade cite di sebalik cite...ececece...kesah ni berlaku long long ago...around 15 yrs if im not mistaken..GOSH
...lamenye...orite..back to the story.. dulu aq ley dikategori kn as a butterfly luver,,but since that day everything changed.. dat time me and kodesh (where av u been kodesh??) nk ke lady,, but tanpa sedar ade swang classmate aq ni..boi opkos..ade ke punye baghal pg sergah aq ng rerama yg sgt gedabak..ha amek pon..dgn lantangnye melontarkan pitching aq yg agak mantopp..huahua..the question is..mantopp ke?? so..classmate aq td pon pe lgi..lari lintang pukang sebab bingit kot..mase tu..mang ai..tuhan jek yg tau cane aq rase...nk luruh jantung aq kot...1st time aq dihadap kn dpn rerama...masih segar dalam pkiran aq neyh..mata die,,sesungut die...sayap die yg dok tergedik2 tu..eiiii yerkkk...habis kecoh 1 blok...dek jeritan maut,,sejak dr saat dan detik itu jadi F.O.B.I.A dgn natang yg we call as rama-rama...especially the big one...sumpah lau tersempak dpn q..rela aq u turn balik...wakaka...oh ya..pd kengkawan yg selalu tny aq soklan ''eh,,asal ko takot ng rama2 eh?" la sebab and citenye...pasni no more asking this kind of question ya..but..sadly..classmate aq tu pon da xde...tuhan lebey syg fatihah..

a journey begin here..

wihihihi...saya gee ahmad..newcomer..=).. i dont know what to share actually..just drop by to explore ape yg seronoknye when we tulis2 kt cni..but for sure..4 those yg really luv to tulis2 dlm blog,they must be an artist which is..too many ideas yg mereka nk sharing la kan..pape pon.. i will try to update my blog so that u guys out there x buhsan..soalannye..sonok ke?? huhu..